I'm sure too, that I'm not alone in using my blog as a diary for myself more than anything that I expect anyone to read avidly and therefore miss when it's 'overdue'.
Plus, there's the 'other blogs' to consider now too. Lingo has it's own news http://www.lingodesign.co.uk/news/ and there's facebook (for both personal and business, and the businesses I admin for) and twitter, plus a few other neglected beasts such as Google+ and LinkedIn. Whoever has the time for all that *and* actually living?! No wonder I've had to get up early to get this done!
Sadly I'd managed to leave my phone charger lead at home and so photos were limited, but I did manage to get these few - the double rainbow on Sunday morning and an experiment with a new image app to create a 'world' - a wrap around panoramic (above) I highly recommend the app - 'Pano Camera' it's fab. :)
It made a pleasant change to be able to have them visit in comfort, rather than in a building site, they stayed in the main bedroom, in the house, carpeted, with heating, and with many improvements made since they last came, particularly the garden, and we feasted on the many runner beans grown over the summer.
Work at Lingo has been extraordinarily demanding and diverse. With new customers and old coming through the doors in droves. The amount of photography in the last month has reached an all time high, in fact, I've lost count of how many pictures I've taken, but the subject matter has ranged from flowers through tap dancing, peanuts, popcorn and parsnips, blood bikes, buses, Christmas decorations, signwriting, and lastly and Italian themed night in a local pub! Again, I'm just going to say I MUST get some more pictures up, will probably use Google's picasa, though I have to say I like the new improved look and feel of blogger interface and hopefully the display might help inspire me to do more here and less on my tumblr.
I think that's going to have to do, for now. I have loads more I want to blog about, our beautiful kitten Dotty who is growing up to be just like her beautiful mum Pidge, plus progress with downhamweb and little things that make me smile that I'd love to have time to share. All in good time, hey, I'll be sure to post again before too long... even if only to 'download'. It's pretty therapeutic y'know. :)
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