Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Status update....

This is getting ridiculous, I've got so much to tell, but so little time to tell it in!

Each week there's another post in my 'draft' folder (the one in my brain) or notes on my iPad, a start to a new post, or photos taken on my phone for the purpose of posting. Work things, home things, life bits, the crazy balance between them all. But they're not getting done, and the mental 'dust' is gathering so much that I'm getting frustrated. I'm also behind on promised posts - such as a write up for the meal that I swapped for a lesson in 'how to tweet' with Trish at the Hare Arms (follow her @HareArms ) and a post or two to explain a few new things going on here and there... you know, usual, unusual stuff.

This blog last year focussed on my house/office renovation project, to be honest, many of the pictures were posted for the benefit of my fantastic parents, without whom none of it would have been possible, who desperately wanted to be more involved, but for whom the distance (I'm in Norfolk, they're in Devon) was a real frustration. I posted progress shots now and again to show that, despite a long delay, going over budget, and many, many headaches, it was, finally coming to an end.

Now that the building work is pretty much over, there being just a few finishing touches to do (the carpets are down, the curtains are yet to put up and last touch up of paint to apply here and there) I've been having a sort of mini 'identity crisis' with this blog.  It's changed purpose before, that's hardly surprising, our focus and our direction evolve through life, so there's no harm in a blog following suit, but I think this time it needs a full blown overhaul! Though now I'm realising this is just another part of the delay!

But, news that cannot be left unposted is now to a level that I simply HAVE to write, mixed identity or not!

The 'rents (parents to those of you not 'down' with the street terms) ;) are coming! Yes, get the duster out and stash the contraband, the countdown is on - just 5 days til they're here. This means several things - one is that they will be able to see the house renovations close up - good in places - a bit dodgy and unfinished in others, but undoubtedly a massive step since they were last here over a year ago. I can't wait.

It means they will probably be taking pictures too. Ma and Pa are both ace photographers. There have been missing pictures of the finished house. Since getting the carpet down just before Christmas, then having January ruined with, swine flu, February was getting-things-out-of-storage, and now the holiday (last week) there have been no time for #finishedarticle pictures, and the house has been a tip. So, as long as I get the tidying done, be prepared for pictures!

Lastly, their visit (yes, it's a lot like royalty) also means we will be continuing our enjoyable tradition of visiting the aforementioned Hare Arms for a meal. Since I moved here 10 years ago, (jeesh is it really that long) I think without exception, whenever they visit, we have one 'treat' meal out to the best pub in Norfolk. It just so happens that now Steve and I (Lingo) now design and maintain their website, so visits to the pub are happily more frequent than just when the parents come to town. This means that as well as knowing the brilliant landlord and landlady a lot better, I also know the fabulous menu better too, so can dodge the garlic (re: my allergy to it) and therefore when the Pendleton famliy descend for our pilgrimage to the Hare this time, it will probably be photographed to death!

I think that will have to do for now. I feel like I've got a load of my mind, a post (at last) done, and now have direction for the evolution of the blog. I might even do a few 'before/after' tidying shots of the house and office as I start to sort it all out - the garden most certainly, as the lawn is going to look fab if I get on it NOW.

Right - on that note - I'm off to see if I can track down a working lawnmower on freecycle...basically, watch this space for more pictures. It's going to happen. :)

Oh, and, well, maybe it's a bit early to say...but, I met someone on holiday. Someone who made me smile a lot. That is all. For now. :)

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