A quick heads up on some lovely new bloggers...please take the time to check them out and say hello. A few a
words of encouragement on a blog can make all the difference.
Lingo employee and daughter of mixed media artist Jane Clarke, Miss Jennifer Clarke http://jellybeanjenn.blogspot.com/ blogging about her life and Lingo.
Virtual PA, office angel (and much more besides) Christine Urban http://christineurban.blogspot.com/ blogging about all things office and organisation.
Latest wonderful addition to Lingo http://panksforthememories.blogspot.com/ "PR Gal, Event Manager & Producer, Fairyland Trust Manager, Lover of cake/wine" Abbie Panks - blogging about her many varied roles including Lingo, Fairyland Trust and the Downham Market Town Council.
All good things come in threes they say.
I like the "angel" bit... where's my halo though??