Tuesday, 4 September 2012


I don't know if I'm just a sucker for punishment or if that my current health kick combined with trying to be a good sport is to blame, but either way... my hamstrings are complaining loudly about their recent treatment!

Please don't let me put you off; Kettlercise ® at Esselle's Ladies Gym in Wisbech (yes, of course, a website customer at Lingo) is definitely one of the more enjoyable exercise classes I've been to, and Julia, it must be said is an ace trainer.

For those willing to give it a go, Kettlercise ® is, (according to Julia's write up) "a three in one workout incorporating cardio, weight training and core training" and is "set to a non stop routine that will work every single muscle in your body to ensure you melt away fat, tone up, improve core stability and dramatically improve endurance".

BUT (and you knew it was coming) according to me, it's "the first ever time I've seen actual drops of my sweat on a gym floor" and "the first workout following which I've had trouble walking". It's entirely my own fault. I don't do things by halves; enjoying as I was carrying out each individual weight-swinging movement, with Julia calling constant encouragement to the class (and with the thought in my mind of a more toned physique) I felt determined to put in my best effort. So I did. A bit too much effort it would seem.

Nearly one week later, all other muscle groups are fine, but the back of my legs are still sore and I'm still thinking twice before walking any real distance. I just hope that it wears off before the weekend...and Bestival! Arg!

Despite all that, and it really is my own fault, (I could have taken it 'easier'...) I will be back. Next time, however I intend to be better at moderating my own pace and effort to somewhere below 'extreme idiot'...

Kettle-bells. Come and have a go...if you think you're hard enough!