Thursday, 14 October 2010

How to set up a printer on the network...

You will need;

1.) haribo (other confectionery is also available)
2.) a geek (this one is named James)
3.) patience and lots of test prints and configuration type things...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Beryl the printer...

Yes she's in...well, nearly! Beryl the printer has arrived at Lingo. If you look closely, you'll see that this photo is taken so shortly after arrival that it's not even plugged in yet!

This is a collaborative project with a couple of other local businesses, who are partnering to support and promote the services she'll be offering...

Such as *DIGITAL COLOUR PRINTING up to A3.... this space...!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Writing some wrongs, and righting some too....

Amongst many others, a few of my current 'wrongs' are:

My task list is too long...(but is getting shorter)
My house is still not finished...(but is about 3 weeks off...I think)
My inbox is too full...(but I'm getting through it)

Just had to write them down. Now to continue righting them.........that's why I am quiet....I'm just slowly getting on with it......